Serving at the altar with the priest/s, deacon, lector and Extraordinary ministers of the Holy Communion is an honor and a privilege. Altar servers give up one and a half hours a week to serve God. It is a time of reverence and respect. You serving at the altar in the presence Of God enables the whole worshipping community to be inspired, admired, motivated and hopefully creates a deep desire for others to also serve God. You become a role model for other young members of the church. Being an altar server requires training and then serving on the assigned day. For more information contact Kristyn at [email protected].
Lectors proclaim the Word of God clearly and understandably so that all who hear may respond. For more information contact Dennis at [email protected].
Are you interested in welcoming parishioners to St. Martin of Tours at our Liturgical gatherings? Then contact Angela at [email protected].
Ushers are the first face of the parish. They greet those coming into our church, offer assistance to those in need, distribute parish bulletins, take up the collection, and distribute other materials as needed. For more information contact Adrian at [email protected].